photos from my five months as a student in Galway

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hiking Weekend in Kerry

At the end of March, I went on a NUI-G weekend hiking and climbing trip to County Kerry, in the south of Ireland. Here's the group enjoying some music the first night in our hostel.

The beginning of Saturday's hike... County Kerry is beautiful, and is home to Ireland's highest mountains.

There were lots of sheep, of course.

Conleth, Anna, Dylan, Colin, and Hanna, ready to go!

If it looks a little ominous, that's because it was... the temperate weather at the bottom certainly didn't stay that way.

Snow on top of the mountain!

Soaking wet and squinting through the wind... but so happy.

The last of the hiking photos before the wind, snow, rain, and ice made me put my camera away!

We were pretty happy to be back in the warm dry hostel - and especially after cooking a delicious (and massive) dinner!

Captain Istvan lights a fire. Every hike leader deserves a crown.

So tired!

Sunday brought sunshine and climbing at Killarney National Park.

Getting ready for my first climb outdoors!

The end of an awesome weekend!

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