photos from my five months as a student in Galway

Friday, February 25, 2011

An bhfuil tú ag foghlaim na Gaeilge?

"Are you learning Irish?" Trying to! Last weekend my beginner's Irish class went to practice and learn in An Cheathrú Rua, a tiny town in the Gaeltacht, the western Irish-speaking region. Though everyone knows English, Irish is the first language and the one spoken on a daily basis (unless you have American visitors who don't understand!)
Classmates Erin, Hannah, and Annie

Along with about a dozen other girls, I stayed in the home of a woman named Cátriona and her husband, the rooms of which they rent out as a B&B to visitors. They were wonderful hosts, and their house was cozy and beautiful - this is the morning view from their backyard.

Our host family's donkey. His name is Fluffy.

Fluffy likes carrots!

Our host family's house, which the husband built himself - when I asked him what he did for a living he said "I am a builder"; then he stopped, looked thoughtful, and revised, "I am a jack of all trades"

Lunchtime concert - séan nos singing and dancing

Despite this sign places in this town don't really need names - "The Restuarant" is next to "The Pub," which is just down the road from "The Pharmacy" and "The Church"

An Cheathrú Rua is located on a peninsula, surrounded by the Irish Sea

Some Irish singing and dancing to end the evening

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