photos from my five months as a student in Galway

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cliffs of Moher, Limerick, and Visitors from Belgium

My good friend Brigette from high school is studying in Belgium this year, so she and her friend Maggie came to visit Galway last weekend. (From the left - my roommate Maggie, me, Brigette's Maggie, and Brigette.)

We spent Saturday taking a tour around parts of the Burren area and to the Cliffs of Moher. Above is Dunguaire Castle, a 16th-century castle on Galway Bay.

At Dunguaire Castle with Maggie, Brigette, and Annie

Ballyalban earthen ring-fort

The Dolmen (a burial site constructed 5800 years ago, now a landmark of the Burren)

Kilfenora Cathedral, a 6th-century monastery

The Cliffs of Moher

Colin (fellow Georgetown-er), Annie, and me... 214 meters high

Thrilling fact: the scenes at the "Cliffs of Insanity" in The Princess Bride were filmed here. Beyond excited.

Exploring with Annie - more of the Burren coast around Galway Bay

Sunday brought a visit to Limerick City, about an hour and a half south of Galway

St. Mary's Cathedral in Limerick

King John's Castle

River Shannon

Meeting up with an old friend of Brigette's.... behind us, Limerick's Broken Treaty Stone, part of a turbulent past with Britain

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